

Pieced Center

I was able to finish piecing the center yesterday.  The most exciting part was when I showed it to Jack.  He said, "THAT IS SO AWESOME!"  That is quite a complement coming from Jack,  I couldn't have done it with out his help.
Today, I am moving on to the Border.  I was thinking about how free and open space feels to me and wanting to do something that represented this feeling.  I was searching around and I ran across Mary Lou Weidmen's books.  I went out today and purchased her book, Out of the Box unleash your creativity through quilts.  Let me just say this is exactly what I needed.  All I had to do was open the book and read her introduction and I was hooked.  Mary Lou's quilts are so fun, playful and full of whimsy, just what I want to pull into this quilt.  I want to be able to play and have fun creating.  Her blog is full of great, colorful pictures that really inspire me to do something different.  Now I am off to play!

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