

Help! I need a quilt therapist!

I have been working on a solid quilt using the many Kona solids I received from the Kona your wold swap.  I really did have a plan, okay two plans, but now I am stuck.  HELP!!  Here is what I have so far.
My next step was going to be add a white border around this section.  After that I wast planning on adding a small row of squares across just the top and bottom.  Now I wonder if I should add a row of diamonds instead?  Perhaps a solid border, then a white border and then the row of squares/diamonds?  Should the row of diamonds go completely around the quilt or just at the top and bottom?  Ugh!  Perhaps we should go to counseling?

I just couldn't take it anymore, so that quilt has been set aside in a time out!  I pulled out a few pink scraps I had and threw together this little cutie this weekend.

 It is only 32 X 32 inch quilt that I donated yesterday to the South Carolina Binky Patrol.

This is a great little project to work on some new quilting designs as well as practice a few old ones.  I quilted this new design called Wiggly Woven Lines from the Free Motion Quilting Project.

 I have to say this design worked out wonderfully!  I was so pleased with how easy it was to use on my long-arm.  This little quilt was bound up and delivered yesterday, hopefully to a child who needs a little snuggle time!


  1. How about some mid-gray bricks around the outside, long enough that you can trim to a straight edge without taking the points off the white squares.

  2. Oh, just go straight to therapy!

    When I saw your Kona quilt I immediately thought of small square or diamond borders. But I like Camilla's idea of mid-grey bricks trimmed back.

    Yeah, therapy's sounding good...
