

Double Negative.

 I totally had a plan all drawn up for this quilt, and let me just say, it looked nothing like this.  The truth is once all of the pieces were cut and arranged, well, it was not unattractive.  It was Hideous.  I hated it.

 I gave the pieces a twist here, a turn there, added in a few extras and TA-DA.  (Okay perhaps that is a tad simplistic but, you get the idea.) Ladies and Gentlemen I give you The Double Negative quilt.

Most of the fabric is Kona solids that I received from The Kona your world swap I participated in last month.  Instead of a pure white, I contrasted the green with Kona's Snow.  It has a slightly ivory cast to it.  The white was a little too much of a contrast.

 I quilted the back with my Amoeba quilt block design.

  This little 32 inch square quilt will be going to the South Carolina Binky Patrol which provides blankets to a variety of organizations including foster kids, homeless shelters and hospitals.

I believe it is true that two negatives do indeed make a positive.  Would you not disagree?

1 comment:

  1. beautiful work! Love the colours it's perfect for St. Pat's day!
