

Mystery Solved!

Let me just say.  These are SO DARN CUTE!  

I would have never guessed that the mess of knitted pieces would amount to these two adorable Teddies.  (Yes, despite pictures to the contrary that may have accompanied the last post; I do mean Teddy BEARS and not Teddies that you wear.)

I used Debbie Bliss Pattern for the Teddy Bear.  This pattern can also be found in Debbie Bliss' book Simply Baby I used Debbie Bliss Cashmerino in Ecru and a US size 3.5 needle.  

Sadly, it was only after I knit up the pattern did realize I had to seam up the all of those tiny pieces.  I checked in at the web postings for the Bear and was quite disappointed I had not read the reviews earlier.  Almost every other comment said "I adapted the pattern to knit in the round to eliminate seaming."  Now they tell me.

It took me the entire Sunday to sew up the seams on these Teddies.  The whole time I was seaming I had this verse running through my head, over and over.

Me and my teddy getting all ready
getting all ready to play.
Me and  my teddy getting all ready,
getting all ready to play.

As if the seaming wasn't annoying enough.  For those of you who had young children who watched Barney,  I am sure you remember this "classic"

Now that these 2 Adorable little guys or girls are sewn up, they are off to 2 equally adorable little girls. I know they will get lots of hugs and kisses and be loved like proper bears should.

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