

February Wreath (and other blocks)

February Wreath

For this month's wreath I decided to go traditional.  Just a simple heart, right?  Well, since I have a plethora of ideas bouncing around in this head of mine, you couldn't be more wrong.  The ideas are pouring out of my head faster than I can get them on paper!  I came up with this String Heart after searching for Heart Blocks for the February Wreath.  I don't know if something broke or just started working but suddenly all the blocks were broken down into basic shaped inside my head.  I just started coming up with plans and ideas right then.  Of course none of them were simple ideas and none of them were at all easy to assemble.  I am aways shocked at how difficult it can be to take an idea and turn it into an actual 3 dimensional object.

String Heart

This months block is a string heart block.  I sewed strips of fabric onto paper templates then cut them into the triangles I needed to make the heart.  After much calculating and fiddling I was able to get this heart and the background into a 12" X 12" square.  I took pictures of the entire process and plan to post a tutorial soon.  I also have two other heart shaped projects in the works which I'll share later this week.

Saturday night I was overcome with a wave of creativity.  I sat up into the wee hours of the night sketching, calculating and coloring.  I seemed to have more ideas than I did paper!  I guess I have been storing up these ideas for sometime, and  since The Quilt Story Blog is having a "Block Party" my brain decided now was the time to spew them out.  I came up with a total of 4 blocks and I still have one or more bouncing around in my head.

The actual idea was inspired by a drawing my son did.  Occasionally, when I get out the graph paper to play with a design my kids ask for a sheet or two to draw on.  Over time I have collected these drawings and use them for inspiration when I am running low. ( As an added bonus they are also good for a smile when I am feeling low)  I took Jacks drawing an modified it to a 12 inch block and then came up with a few of my own.  I am planning on making them into a cute quilt that I want to call, Kid, You're out of this world! or something like that.

Lights/Rocket Flairs

We come in pieces

Cute alien Dude
Both blocks were done in Kona Cotton and I added some hand stitching for the Alien, the antenna, the lights and the windows.  I may fuse the windows on the next two blocks to see which I like better.  I'll definitely be fusing the planets!  My favorite part, other than the cute alien dude, is that I used prairie points for the rocket flairs.  Jack said it best when he said, "They move just like real fire."

3,2,1 Blast OFF!

beautifully hand stitched windows
I have some ideas on planet blocks I need to get down on paper.  I am not sure if I will be able to come up with a pattern but I intend to try.  I would also like to try to get a pattern made for the entire space quilt.


  1. great blocks!! Love the heart.

  2. Prairie points for flames- now that is creative!

  3. LOVE your heart block!

    Stopping by from QuiltStory

  4. I love those, especially the cute alien dude! Definitely get those on paper -- I can see the pattern being a big hit. (and thanks for your nice comment to me, too)

  5. The heart block is so pretty and appropriate for Valentine's Day.

  6. SO CREATIVE!! I Love the heart, and it is so cute how you've used it! And the little alien man, come on that's so cute!! Thank you so much for submitting, we had so much fun with this party, so THANK YOU!!
