


I want to take a moment and share this great gift from my sister.
High Strung by: Conni Togel
This cute little 5 X 7 print was a gift from my sister.  You may have seen the artist, Conni Togel featured in various knitting/crafting magazine. The amazing thing was that I had just been looking at these cute prints online and wishing that I could purchase one!  There are so many cute pictures it is almost impossible to choose.  Ms. Togel does an amazing job at making lovable sheep and knitting fun and playful.  Check out her website at  I know you will find them just as endearing as I do.  My only quandary is did my sister get me this print, again entitled High Strung, because she knows I love all things knitting; or did she get me this print because I may, on occasion, exhibit certain negative personality traits?

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