

The scoop

Well, I believe I am sufficiently recovered not only from my Upper Respiratory Infection & Bronchitis, but also from the craft show I have been building towards.  For the last 8 weeks I have been sewing and quilting almost non stop.  So much so that I believe I worked myself sick.  Not a wise move.  Never fear as of today I am much improved and almost back to normal, as if there were such a thing.

The Craft show was an interesting experience.  I am glad that I tried it.  However, I will not be attending any in the near future.  This particular show was held at the Elementary School.  Every year they have a big Veteran's Day program and follow it up with the Holiday Extravaganza.  This year was no exception.  The School had about 35 vendors selling, jewelry, candles, bags, wreaths and of course quilts.  The set up was done on Wednesday evening and went quite smoothly considering  I had 3 kids helping me.  Here is what we ended up with.

Thursday was just slow.  All of the vendors I talked with had poor sales and it seemed like the only people who were buying were the vendors.  With the few people we had most of the vendors had ample opportunity to wander and look at each others wares.  I gave out lots of cards and fliers.  Which in hind sight was my ultimate goal, Get my name out there.  I didn't sell any quilts but I really didn't expect much.
As a result my Etsy shop is full of beautiful quilts!  Stop on over and take a look.

In other news:  I finished and shipped my candle mat for my quilt blogger's swap.  I was pleased with how well the mat turned out.  I must admit when my swap partner gave me her color choices I was unsure how the mat would look.  Would you believe I liked the look so much I made two others!

I embellished the corners of the mat with glass beads hoping they would sparkle in the candle light.  I dug out my old white and free motion quilted a poinsettia in the center of the mat.

I also added these coasters to my care package as a "bonus" gift.  These I am definitely going to make again! Check out the tutorial at The Sometimes Crafter.

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