

Football Block--Tutorial

I came up with this football block several months ago.  I am sure I am not the first to think of this but here is my version.   I used it once in a college themed quilt and really liked the way it turned out.  Since football season is well upon us I thought I would share the way I make mine.

You will need:
Brown fabric scraps-(solid or print)
White fabric for background
white thread

Cut your brown fabric the desired size of your finished block plus seam allowance.  I used 6.5X6.5 inch square blocks here.
Cut two white fabric squares for each block.  Cut these 1/2 inch larger than 1/2 the width of your finished block.  (My finished block will be 6X6 inch.  My white fabric was cut 3.5 X3.5 inch)
Cut interfacing 1/2 smaller than you cur your brown fabric- I cut my interfacing  6X6 inch square

Draw a diagonal line on the back of both white squares.  Place white block in corner of brown block, with right sides facing.

  Sew down diagonal line.  Place second white block on opposite corner of brown block. Sew on diagonal line.  Press white towards corner.

Cut off excess fabric leaving 1/4 inch seam allowance. Square up block if necessary

Fuse interfacing to back of block. I have found if I do not use interfacing on the back of the entire block my block puckers when I sew the laces.

With water soluble pen or chalk draw a diagonal line down the center of brown block the desired length of football laces.

For the laces I like to use my button hole setting on my machine.   It makes the perfect parallel stitching, No measuring required!

Once center laces are sewn mark in the short perpendicular lines for laces.

I try to make 4 or 5 of these shorter laces using a narrow zigzag stitch.  (Be sure to loosen your bobbin tension to decrease pull on the fabric caused by short stitches.)

Press block once more and sew into your favorite sport quilt!  TA-DA!

This block can be made to any size.  I have made 5 inch and 6 inch blocks.  I usually add the blocks to a quilt as a corner but they would look great anywhere.  I think making a large block and inserting it into a t-shirt quilt would be just too perfect!

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