

Tag! You're IT!

It dawned on me one day as I packaged up a quilt to be shipped off, that none of my quilts have labels or tags.   I had been using generously embroidered quilt labels from a friend.  This method is let me just say,  AWESOME, if you just happen to have such a friend.  This was however, prior to her machine going psycho and then dying completely.  Now I have no embroiderer and no quilt labels.  Alas, I have been sending out my quilts without signing them.  GASP.
 Fear Not my quilting companions.  I went out and searched around the Internet for a while looking for pre-made and custom labels.  Sadly, I wasn't finding anything that I wanted to use. Ultimately, I decided to make my own.  (I know this surprises none of you.)

 I played around with a couple of tags, sizes, colors and fonts before I came up with this stylish little number!  Yea Me!  I am very excited to finally have a tag and happy that none of my quilts have to go naked again.   I have been going around all day "tagging" my quilts.  I am happy to report that now all of my quilts have a TCQ designs label.

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