

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions.

I have been spending a lot of quilting time making college quilts this fall.  Inspired by the cooler weather and the explosion of football season.  I have made and quilted many Ohio State Quilts in the past but, this fall I have branched out.  Living in South Carolina the Buckeyes (not being a member of the scc) are not normally the focus of school spirit.  Therefore, I have branched out to the local and more popular schools here namely USC (University of South Carolina) and Clemson.  My hope is that that by making and eventually selling these quilts locally I will be able to attract business for long-arm quilting and get back to making quilts I want to make.  Crazy, I know.

That said I have made my first USC quilt. TA-DA!

I am having more of a struggle with the Clemson quilt.  Clemson colors being orange, white and purple.  (seriously?)  I have been struggling to find a combination that appeals to me.  I had a plan in mind when I started this quilt yet, when I laid it out it looked more like swastikas than I had originally intended.  I have been playing around with other layouts and I am at a mental standstill.  These are the designs I have so far.

 I have in listed the help of my kids as they think" outside the box" better than I, but still I am stuck.

I have a policy, or rather a plan that I try to stick to which is basically "use up as much fabric as I can before buying new or additional fabric". I know it's a silly little thing, but really I should be pulling in a little $moola$ before I spend the grocery money, Shouldn't I?  I also subscribe to the theory you have to spend money to make money.  A dilemma I know.

What should I do?  Should I just keep throwing pieces together until I have a layout I like?  Should I just sew one of them together and go with it knowing potentially it won't sell because no one will like it?  Or should I break down and just get fabric to add to this quilt? Being a shop-aholic I am inclined to go with the latter.


  1. My $.02 on the Clemson - I like the first picture with pinwheels, and also the one with the Clemson in the upper left corner with the rail fence pattern.

  2. Hi, i think it's a great idea and hope it works.

    As for the orange, and white one, I am liking the boxy idea (4 th one down).

    For the top idea, you could make it more tessellating shapes, rather than swastikas by having the orange the same size as the white, but that will mean smaller blocks and scrapping some fabric.

    As for the purple (????) maybe just as a chunky border?
