

September Wreath

When I started thinking up ideas for my September Wreath fall colors immediately popped into my head.  Along with that came leaves changing colors, mums and cooler weather.  With temperatures here still in the mid-90's and the humidity still hanging high, not to mention the fact that everything here is still green,  I just couldn't picture putting up a fall leaf.  Not that it wouldn't look pretty, but the leaves here don't start changing for at least another 2 months.

With that idea labeled, "NO I pressed on.  I thought about a school house but I had no luck finding a block pattern last month, besides school started two weeks ago.  I contemplated making up a pattern, you know in my spare time, but realized that it would be at least October before that ever happened.  On to the next idea.

Then when I was up at the fruit stand it hit me, APPLES!  I love apple picking in the fall.  Not that there is any place to pick apples near us, but when we lived north it was one of my favorite fall activities.  The kids and I would venture up to an orchard or two in the fall.  We would fill our bags and our bellies with all the apples we could.  Once home we would make apple pies, muffins, smoothies and applesauce.

Thus the search for the September block was on.  I searched many patterns and stumbled upon the Apple Harvest Wall Quilt by  Marian Shenk.  It was printed in the Sept. 2002 edition of Quilt World magazine.  It had just the right block!  

The basket is pieced while the apples are machine appliqued.  I machine quilted a very minimal amount on this block but I think it works.

What a crooked picture!  Apparently I was still stiff and sore from all of the long arm quilting the day before and couldn't hold my camera straight.  I assure you it is hanging straight on the door. Hmmm. I better check that.

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