

A head-banner day!

Yesterday was an awful day! Perhaps my post may have given that away? Chalk it up to a new lesson, Do not post when tired and emotional. Good Rule. I'll try to remember to follow it. After my long and rambling post I decided to do something I love. Create.

As you may recall, I am still under the gun for finishing the birthday gifts. (5 down 3 to go.) I have been wanting to make some headbands. There are literally 101 fabric headband patterns/tutorials out on the web. I googled "fabric headband tutorial," came up with just over 500,00 hits and had a basic idea of what I wanted. Now I needed fabric! Nothing in the 10 plastic bins of fabric that line the walls in my sewing room screamed "Make me into a headband!" So, I braved to Hancock fabric store with two kids and picked up some lovely black and white prints. Which I did eventually match up with some existing fabric from my stash.

I used two patterns which are basically the same construction just different shapes. This pattern at KC Quilts and this pattern at foofanagle.

Both patterns are extremely quick and easy. I think it took me just over an interrupted hour to make 6 headbands. Four of which are for gifts, the other 2 were for Emma.

(you actually didn't think I could get away with making anything remotely girly without making one for Emma?!)

All of the headbands are reversible. Which means you are actually gifting twice as many headbands! I definitely need to make some of these for gifts for Emma's friends, and maybe eventually some for myself. Ha. (Make something for myself. That's a good one.)

I also started working on my newest tutorial. Here is the bag for said tutorial.

I am calling it the Folded Sling Bag. It was inspired by the new sling bag styles which are out everywhere. I have only seen one other tutorial for this type of bag and it has a zipper. Not that I have anything against zippers. I just don't keep a stash of them. I hope to have the tutorial finished and available by next week!

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