


Yesterday Emma and I spent some quality time chatting and watching TV while the boys played with friends. We discussed things like "Why they have friends in the neighborhood and she doesn't." "Why haven't any of her friends called her back." "When will she be old enough to shave her legs." (You know, important things.) In an attempt to keep my calm and distract me from all the whining that was occurring, I sat and hand appliqued. Believe it or not, I finished another project. Check another quilt off of my list. Is it okay to check something off your list when it is only one step in a multi-step process?

This wasn't my best applique and I'll admit I rushed through it a little. But, boy-oh-boy does it feel good to have it done!

I made this quilt top back in 2008. The same time I made another just like it. After hours and hours of hand applique I just couldn't commit to another. So, this hung in my closet until 2 years and 3 houses later I was ready to start anew. This was a "freebie" Pattern that came in an advertisement for Fonds and Porter Magazine. (I think) No, my bad, American Patchwork & Quilting. (It says so on the top) The pattern is called Autumn Daze designed by Alex Anderson. Anderson must be a super fast robot of a hand applique artist because her quote, which I'll admit sucked me right in says, "Simple hourglass blocks plus easy applique equal a wall hanging that can be completed in a weekend." HA. I repeat, HA!

I do love it though. The applique really makes this quilt pop. It is not a big quilt, as you can tell by Emma's little feet sticking out below the quilt, it measures about 40.5 inches square. The entire quilt, both quilt tops, were made with scraps from my stash. If I have made you a quilt in the last 4 years; I am sure if you look closely you may see some fabrics you recognize. The designer intended it to be a wall hanging but, I am thinking it would look pretty cute as a table topper. Now all I have to do is quilt it, and bind it. With luck it will be finished in 2 weeks and ready for gift giving.

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