

A beautiful thing

What a wonderful thing it is to have projects come together the way you had planed. I'll be the first to admit that this doesn't often happen to me. I tend to be a bit, let's call it spontaneous for lack of a positive word, and jump into projects without thinking them through. As a result of this spontaneous behavior my projects don't often turn out the way I had planned.

Happily this weekend everything worked out beautifully. I was able to finish yet another birthday present to bring the grand total up to 4! Woohoo. 4 of the 7 projects finished!

While I cannot show you the entire project; I can give you a peek. I will let you know that I quilted, bound and made a label for this quilt.

I worked a little on some micro-stippling here.

Added some swirls here.
And for good measure through in O-H-I-O on the inner border. ( I bet you have No idea what this present is?!)
Projects aside, John and I took the kids on a boating trip out to Lunch Island on the Lake to see the Purple Martins. It was a beautifully clear evening. As the sun set the birds flew in from all directions and the (almost) full moon rose overhead. The kids didn't fight (much) and for the first time all year we were not chased off the lake by a summer storm. What a beautiful thing!

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