


Have you ever been obsessed with something. Not so much obsessed, as been driven to do or create something. Well, my newest Quilted Project is just such an obsession. I Don't remember exactly were I saw the idea, a quilting magazine probably, but I do remember thinking, "I need to make that!" At the time we were in a rental home and my sewing/office/bedroom space was in utter chaos. Then we moved in late October, the Holidays came on at full speed and before I knew it it was April! How that happened I have no idea. This wreath all the while haunted me and kept begging me to make it.

It is really a simple thing. I am not exactly sure why I NEEDED, at this very moment, to stop everything and make it. Nevertheless, I did and she is done. What else would a quilter need on her front door but a quilted wreath! Since it was spring I used this cute pansy design for the center. I plan to make other "Holiday/Seasonal" designs this year. I used a 12 in block pattern for the center.

This one is Pansy Block by Originally I started with and 18 inch wreath but had to move to a 24 inch grapevine wreath to accommodate the block.

I added 4 sprigs of greenery, trying not to get anything that would out shine my block. After wiring the greenery on I contemplated hot gluing the clothes pins onto the wreath. Ultimately, I decided not to hot glue them on until I decide on the size and patterns for the other blocks. Right now the clothes pins are pined to a grapevine and then to the quilt block and they seem to be holding. I haven't decided if I need a bow or ribbon of some sort or if it can stand on it's own as is.

I was also excited to do some, a very tiny bit, of free-motion quilting on my newly repaired sewing machine. I actually tried to load this block on my long arm machine. It was a bit insane, trying to load a 12 inch block on a 12 foot machine. Overkill.

1 comment:

  1. Gosh, I wish I had been there to watch that one! Sounds hilariously funny!
    I do like your wreath tho, I assume the idea is to change the blocks per season instead of the wreath? Very cute! Donnie
