

trick or treat?

Fall. It has to be my second favorite season, coming in close behind spring. I love not sweating every time I spend time outdoors. I love being able to wear a really comfy pair of jeans and a t-shirt and being cool but not cold. I love the colors that appear suddenly. I love picking apples. I love making cookies and baking. I love the need for things warm from the oven or stove. I love the crisp cool air that smells of fires in the fireplace. I love being able to get into a cold bed and fall asleep warm and snugly. Which brings me to my next quilt project. In the spirit of the season I was led to a new pattern. It's called Frightfully Fun and I found it at The thought of having a cozy Halloween quilt to snuggle under while sitting on the porch passing out treats, thrilled me. Just add a cup of warm cider, maybe a little rum, stir with a cinnamon stick, add a chewy caramel or two. Yummy. I just couldn't pass it up. I know what you are all thinking. "Hot spiced cider sounds awful good right now!" or possibly if you were paying attention, "That quilt has an awful lot of triangles."

Either way, the quilt does have a lot of triangles. Which can be a little bit of a trick.
However, only 1/2 of the blocks are stars. The other 1/2 are a log cabin block in colors fitting of Halloween, orange and black. The neat thing about this quilt is the fact that the Halloween prints are artfully showcased.

I love walking past the blocks I have already made and having little ghosts and pumpkins pop out at me. A little surprise waiting for me neatly wrapped in a 8x8 inch block.

I am only just getting stared on this quilt but I know this one is definitely a treat!

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