

Well, isn't that special.

When I meet someone new, I am always hesitant at telling them I quilt. I know it may not be a good business strategy, but still I am reluctant to speak of my quilting business. People who don't quilt have really no clue when it comes to quilting. I get a variety of responses when I answer the dreaded, "What do you do?" question. Sometimes I get, "So. (pause) You make quilts?" The absurdity of this shows on their face as clear as day. I may as well have said, "I work for Santa" Which in truth I occasionally do. Sometimes individuals will say, "You sell quilts?" As if knowing me will get them a good cheep quilt. Of course I get the,"My grandmother did that, well before she died." as if quilting is a disease someone catches that is contagious and fatal. Well, contagious it is. I don't have the statistic of how many people actually die each year from quilting. Not a bad way to go though. Honestly, I run into quite a few people who try, really try with questions such as "How does that work?" Unfortunately, when I start to explain I see their interest fade when words like: quilt top, batting, and long arm machine start to enter the conversation. And I know the moment they start faking understanding and interest. And it is very disappointing. Often I feel like a small child, who is explaining a picture they drew to an adult. I cringe and wait for the dreaded pat on the head and the "That's nice dear." However, the most annoying response I get is "Well, isn't that good for you." I never quite know how to take this statement. Is it "Good for you" like a vegetable that no one wants to eat? Does it mean "good for you" but not for me? Are they saying, "Good for you," as a dismissal so they can talk about themselves? Or could it be "Good for you." because you are making me feel incredibly incompetent? I never feel as though they are truly enthusiastic that it really is "Good for Me!" Really, I am not sure what they are saying. My best understanding is that it is a catch all of sorts. Perhaps the adult version of "That's nice dear. Now run along."

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