

Happy Birthday Emma!

What to you get a princess for her birthday? A day at the spa, of course!

Emma and I spent the afternoon getting our hair done. Emma was super happy and very excited. Emma was treated to a deep hair conditioner. All of that pool and lake water is taking it's toll on her curly locks. She was so cute trying to act mature and patient, all the while wanting to do her little happy dance. She donned the hair cape and twirled around like it was the best thing ever. She happily popped up into the chair and chatted with Ms. Francine. I couldn't get over how big she looked. Usually she is "the baby". When I have her out by herself I am surprised how her annoying little attitude all but vanishes.

She cracked me up (and most of the hairdressers). She jumped up into the chair to have her hair washed and sighed. "This is so relaxing. I can forget about all my troubles." Oh, to be 8 and have problems! She was having a marvelous time!

When she found out that she would be sitting under the dryer. I think she was truly in heaven. She sat primly and played her DS and enjoyed every minute of it!

When we were done she couldn't stop playing with her lovely locks, telling all who would listen how this was the best birthday yet! Then she stopped me on the way out and said, "Momma, This day could only be better if we went shopping!" Ahh, a girl after my own heart.

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